Ad-hoc Press Release from Intertainment AG
Pursuant to § 15 Securities Trading Act (WpHG)

Albis Finance acquires receivables of HVB against Intertainment

Munich, February 28, 2006 - Albis Finance AG, Hamburg, has informed Intertainment AG that it has acquired the guarantee receivables of HypoVereinsbank AG against Intertainment AG resulting from a loan taken out by Intertainment Licencing GmbH. Albis Finance also informed Intertainment that it had acquired the loan receivables of HypoVereinsbank against Intertainment Licensing GmbH. However, Intertainment has not yet received official proof of assignment of the bank's receivables.

End of Ad hoc Press Release


Intertainment AG, Investor Relations
Frauenplatz 7, 80331 Munich, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)89 21699-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 21699-11

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